March 23, 2016

Make Your Garden Grow

I have always wanted to have my own garden. Not something too big, but something to produce enough fruits and vegetables that could feed my family and help cut down on our enormous grocery bill each month. I plan to try again this year in getting a small garden started and plan to follow the tips below to make it happen. Hopefully, if you are a beginner as well, these tips can help you to make your own garden grow.

Tip #1. Pick the perfect spot. Most vegetables need at least 6-8 hours of direct sun. If they don't get enough light, they won't provide as much food and the will be more susceptible to attached from insects. 

Tip #2. Plants need water. Not so much in the beginning as they will only need a few cups every few days but as they start to grow be sure to keep up with their water intake. 

Tip #3. Plants need food. Plants need three main nutrients to thrive: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Feed your plants by preparing the soil before you plant, and be sure to fertilize the plants throughout the season. 

Tip #4. Start Small. Gardens require attention on nearly a daily basis and even a small garden can take 20-30 minutes each day for upkeep, pruning, feeding, watering, etc. Start small with only a few different types of plants that you will use regularly and then add something additional each season as needed or wanted. 

Tip #5. Consider starting with seedlings instead of seeds. Seedlings that have already been weather-proofed will provide a greater chance of survival of your first garden which will, in turn boost your confidence as a first time gardener.

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